Die Reunion-Filme (The Reunion-Movies)
Zwischen 1993 - 1994 entstanden vom US-TV Sender "LIFETIME" insgesamt 4 Reunion-Filme, worin Robert Urich und Avery Brooks nochmals in ihre Rollen als Spenser & Hawk schlüpften. Diesmal beruhten alle 4 Filme auf die genauen Romanvorlagen von Robert B. Parker. Für die Rolle der Susan Silverman stand Barbara Stock (aus welchen Gründen auch immer!) nicht mehr zur Verfügung und wurde in den ersten beiden Filmen durch Barbara Williams und in den letzten beiden durch Wendy Crewson ersetzt. Weswegen Williams durch Crewson ausgetauscht wurde, ist mir leider nicht bekannt, in meinen Augen jedoch war Williams die sehr viel bessere Wahl gewesen als Crewson. Auch Ron McLarty (Belson) und Richard Jaeckel (Quirk) standen nicht mehr zur Verfügung, letzterer war ja auch bereits verstorben. Beide wurden von anderen Schauspielern gespielt, sofern sie überhaupt mitwirkten. Auch Rita Fiore war natürlich dabei, wurde jedoch nicht mehr von Carolyn McCormick gespielt. Wieso es nur 4 Filme gab, ist mir leider nicht bekannt.
Between 93 and 94 after the cancellation of the TV series, the 4 Lifetime movies were created, where Robert Urich and Avery Brooks slipped again in their roles as Spenser and Hawk. This time all 4 films are based on the novels by Robert B. Parker. For the role of Susan Silverman Barbara Stock was replaced by Barbara Williams in the first two films and the last two by Wendy Crewson. Why Williams was replaced by Crewson remain unknown. Even Ron McLarty (Belson) and Richard Jaeckel (Quirk) were no longer available, the latter was already dead. Both were played by other actors, provided they participated at all. Also Rita Fiore was of course included, but was not played by Carolyn McCormick. Why was there only 4 movies, I do not known.
Die Reunion-Filme sind die einzigsten, die es weltweit zu einer DVD Veröffentlichung bislang geschafft haben. Bedauerlicherweise ist die Collection, worin alle 4 Reunions enthalten sind, mittlerweile restlos ausverkauft und nur noch, wenn überhaupt zu sehr hohen Preisen zu bekommen. Diese Filme sind auch einzelnd erschienen, auch diese sind mittlerweile vergriffen.
The reunion movies are the only two who made it to a worldwide DVD release date. Unfortunately, the collection in which every 4 Reunions are included, is now sold out, and only, if at all, to get at very high prices. These films are also published individually, but these are also now out of print.
Ausführlicher Episodenführer (Detailed Episode Guide)
Ceremony ??.??.1993
Tochter aus gutem Hause (aka: Combat Zone)
Spensers Freundin, die Psychologin Susan Silverman, vermisst eine ihrer Patientinnen. Dabei handelt es sich um die junge April, Tochter des millionenschweren und ehrgeizigen Politikers Harry Kyle. Susan bittet Spenser, Aprils Verschwinden nachzugehen. Bald müssen Spenser und sein Freund Hawk feststellen, dass den Eltern des Mädchens mehr an der Vermeidung negativer Schlagzeilen gelegen ist, als an dem Wohl ihrer Tochter. Die beiden Detektive stoßen schließlich auf eine weitverbreitete Bande von Verbrechern, die lukrative Geschäfte mit Teenagern als Prostituierte macht. Darin verwickelt sind auch korrupte Regierungsbeamte und einflussreiche Geschäftsmänner, die selbst vor Mord nicht zurückschrecken...
Boston private eye Spenser's search for a missing high-school girl takes him to Boston's Combat Zone, to high-class, specialty brothels, and back to the straight world whose righteous facade overlap pervasive corruption.
Pale Kings and Princes 02.01.1994
Tod eines Sensationsreporters
In Wheaton, Massachusetts, wird ein Reporter, der früher zu Susans Patienten gehörte, tot aufgefunden. Spenser, Hawk und Susan stellen Ermittlungen an, stoßen bei der örtlichen Polizei und den Einheimischen jedoch auf taube Ohren. Doch die drei geben nicht auf und werden schließlich in ein Netz aus Intrigen und Korruption verwickelt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass der Drogenschmuggler Felipe Esteva die Stadt fest in seiner Hand und der Ermordete vermutlich von dessen Geschäften erfahren hat. Hinzu kommt, dass der Reporter Affären mit einigen Ehefrauen prominenter Bürger hatte.
In Wheaton, Massachusetts, a reporter who formerly belonged to Susan's patient was found dead. Spenser, Hawk and Susan make an investigation, but the locals and the police force didn't believe them. But the three do not give up easily and eventually they caught up in a web of intrigue and corruption. It turns out that drug smuggler Felipe Esteva has the city in his hands and the murder victim has probably heardabout Esteva's shady business. In addition, the reporter had affairs with several wives of prominent citizens.
The Judas Goat 01.12.1994
Das Attentat
Diesmal wird Spenser von dem südafrikanischen Millionär Hugh Dixon beauftragt, die Mörder seiner Familie zu finden, die einem Bombenattentat zum Opfer fiel. Bei seinen Ermittlungen stößt Spenser auf ein Mordkomplott gegen den schwarzen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Winston Boyko, bei dem sein Auftraggeber die Finger im Spiel hat.
This time, Spenser is hired by the South African millionaire Hugh Dixon to find the murderers of his family who fell victim to a bomb attack. During his investigation Spenser comes across a murder plot against the black presidential candidate Winston Boyko, in which his client's has his fingers in the pie.
A Savage Place ??.??.1995
In Lebensgefahr
Spensers ehemalige Freundin, die Fernsehreporterin Candy Sloan, findet heraus, dass in einem führenden Filmstudio illegale Geschäfte ablaufen. Durch einen Informanten stößt sie auf einen Gaunerring, doch dann wird der Mann ermordet. Candy wendet sich an Spenser, der gerade dabei ist, mit seiner jetzigen Freundin Susan Silverman schwerwiegende Beziehungsprobleme zu meistern. Dennoch eilt er Candy zu Hilfe. Die Ermittlungen gestalten sich äußerst schwierig, so dass Spenser seinen Freund Hawk um Unterstützung bittet. Bald geraten die beiden in höchste Lebensgefahr. Doch am meisten bedrückt Spenser die Sorge, ob Susan auf ihn warten wird.
TV reporter Candy Sloan has eyes the color of cornflowers and legs that stretch all the way to heaven. She also has somebody threatening to rearrange her lovely face if she keeps on snooping into charges of Hollywood racketeering.
Spenser's job is to keep Candy healthy until she breaks the biggest story of her career. But her star witness has just bowed out with three bullets in his chest, two tough guys have doubled up to test Spenser's skill with his fists, and Candy is about to use her own sweet body as live bait in a deadly romantic game--a game that may cost Spenser his life.
Die Filme mit Joe Mantegna (The Movies with Joe Mantegna)
Zwischen 1999 und 2001 entstanden 3 weitere TV-Filme um Spenser, die ebenfalls genau auf den Romanen von Robert B. Parker beruhten. Diesesmal schlüpften Joe Mantegna und Sheik-Mahmud Bey in die Rollen von Spenser und Hawk, und als Susan Silverman konnte die Oscar-Gewinnerin Marcia Gay Harden gewonnen werden. Robert Urich und Avery Brooks wurden angeblich aus Altersgründen nicht mehr für die Rollen berücksichtigt. Jedoch darf man auch nicht vergessen, dass Robert Urich in der Zeit auch an Krebs erkrankte. Joe Mantegna war altersmäßig auch nur ein halbes Jahr jünger als Urich.
Es gab noch einen weiteren Unterschied. Diese 3 Filme lagen sehr eng an die Romanvorlagen und es ist schade, dass es zu keinen weiteren Verfilmungen gab.
Der erste Film ist auch in Deutschland ausgestrahlt wurden, liegt aber derzeit nicht auf DVD oder BluRay vor. In den USA sind auch nur die ersten beiden Filme auf DVD auf den Markt gekommen.
01. Verdächtiges Schweigen (Small Vices) (1999)
Eine Freundin bittet Spenser (Joe Mantegna) um Hilfe: Der Schwarze Ellis soll eine weiße Studentin getötet haben. Mit Partner Hawk und Psychologin Susan (Marcia Gay Harden) stößt der Detektiv auf
allerlei Ungereimtes…
Privatdetektiv Spenser ermittelt im Fall eines schwarzen Kriminellen, der beschuldigt wird, in einer vornehmen Gegend eine Studentin getötet zu haben. Er stößt auf Ungereimtheiten und muss sich
mit rassistischen Vorurteilen auseinandersetzen.
A friend asks Spenser (Joe Mantegna)
for help: Black Ellis allegedly killed a white student. With his partner Hawk and psychologist Susan (Marcia Gay Harden), the
detective met with all sorts of absurd ...
Private investigator Spenser determined in the case of a black
criminal who is accused of killing in an upmarket area, a student.
He stumbles upon inconsistencies and has to deal with the
Joe Mantegna
Eugene Lipinski
Laila Robins
Chris Britton
Marcia Gay Harden
Shiek Mahmud-Bey
Wood Harris
Marcia Bennett
Joanna Miles
Scott Wickware
Dean McDermott
Topaz Hasfal-Schou
Vincent Guastaferro
Vinny Vella
Interview mit Joe Mantegna (Interview with Joe Mantegna)
A&E: Were you acquainted with the Spenser books before this project?
JOE MANTEGNA: As I told Robert B. Parker when I first met him, it was kind of like a little girl being told, "you're gonna get to play Nancy Drew!" I genuinely was a huge fan of the books. In fact, he's the only author I can think whose books I own all of.
Small Vices was one of the few instances when I felt I had a connection with the character above and beyond the script. In a way, it's a blessing and a curse; the blessing being that you just love this character, but on the other hand you think wait a minute, do I have the audacity to portray this person, this icon of mine? When I heard about this project and they contacted me, I told my agent, "Well, you're going to have to get me Robert Parker's phone number or have him call me because there's no way I'll proceed with this unless I hear from his mouth that I somehow fit his conception of who could portray this character."
A&E: Does it help to have such a strong connection to the character?
JM: I had a very strong connection to the character at least as someone who has read the books and has a real love for the series. But to read them and enjoy them and then to make that leap into actually portraying such a beloved character is as scary as it is thrilling. I felt the same way about portraying Dean Martin. In a way, I think the experience of having played Dean in The Rat Pack gave me the confidence to take on this role.
A&E: What is Spenser like? What kind of person is he?
JM: There are certain enigmatic qualities about him. We never know what his first name is, so there's a certain kind of enigma about that. I talked to Robert Parker about this, and I agree with him, it's not necessary at this point. Whether or not he has a first name for him remains to be seen. At this point, its Spenser spelled with an "s" like the poet, and that's all anyone needs to really know.
A&E: Describe the relationship between Spenser and his girlfriend Susan Silverman?
JM: A lot of it is that old saying, opposites attract. There are a lot of opposites about these two people and yet there are a lot of similarities between these two people. Susan is a very strong character, very intelligent, Harvard-schooled. And here you've got Spenser. In the script, I make some comment where she quotes a line of poetry and I say who the poet is, and she goes "Boy, listen to you." You know, not having ever gone to Harvard. My answer to that being something like, "Incredible, ain't it?" But on some levels, they're very connected and very similar in their wit, how bright they are, their love of language. On the other hand, they're in two different kinds of worlds and that keeps part of the intrigue. There's a real strong love there, and the fact that they're not married is interesting, because there's always that kind of thing of just how committed they can allow themselves to be with each other.
What Parker often does, and he does it very well, is takes relationships, not just between a man and a woman, but between friends and adversaries and whatever, and put a spin on them.
A&E: What would Spenser's epitaph be?
JM: Whatever epitaph Spenser would have would be very brief. I think it might be something like, "I did what I thought was best.
Quelle/Source: A&E
02. Keine deutsche Ausstrahlung (Thin Air) (2000)
Die junge Frau des Bostoner Cops Frank Belson ist spurlos verschwunden und P. I. Spenser soll sie finden. Seine Ermittlungen führen ihn bis nach Los Angeles und wieder zurück ins verregnete Massachusetts, in eine aufgegebene Industriestadt namens Proctor, vom lieben Gott verlassen, von irischen Cops verkehrsgeregelt und von zwei rivalisierenden Latino-Gangs beherrscht. Hier irgendwo könnte Lisa St. Claire, Belsons Gattin, über deren Vergangenheit so wenig bekannt ist, stecken. Oder, auch nicht.
Joe Mantegna stars as tough Boston private eye Spencer in this made-for-cable adaptation of the Robert B. Parker novel Thin Air. It all begins when Lila St. Claire (Yancy Butler, the new bride of police detective Frank Belson (David Ferry), is kidnapped by Latino ganglord Luis DeLeon (Jon Seda). As a personal favor to Belson, Spencer agrees to burrow into the barrio in hopes of rescuing Lila. In so doing, Spencer is made privy to more unsavory aspects of Beantown's Latino subculture--and also learns more than he cares to know about Lila's clouded past. Thin Air was originally telecast by the A&E network on September 12, 2000. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide
Besetzung / Cast:
Joe Mantegna as Spenser
Marcia Gay Harden as Susan
Jon Seda as Luis DeLeon
Luis Guzmán as Chollo
Miguel Sandoval
Joanna Miles
Daniel Parker
Lloyd Battista
Beau Starr
Janet-Laine Green
John Bourgeois
Yancy Butler
David Ferry
R.D. Reid
03. Keine deutsche Ausstrahlung (Walking Shadows) (2001)
Auf einer Theaterbühne fällt der Hauptmime um. Das gehörte keineswegs zum Stück. Ein paar Besucher glaubten den Täter gesehen zu haben, konnten ihn aber nicht eindeutig beschreiben. Susan, Mitglied im Theatervorstands, bittet den trickreichsten und witzigsten Privatdetektiv der Szene, ihren Freund Spenser, um Hilfe...
A stalker leads Spenser into a dangerous world filled with Chinese mobsters, crooked cops, a crazed seductress, and murder. Robert B. Parker and Joan Parker adapted his novel about the
adventures of the legendary Boston private investigator.
Besetzung/ Cast
Joe Mantegna as Spenser
Marcia Gay Harden as Susan
Ernie Hudson as Hawk
Eric Roberts as DeSpain
Tamlyn Tomita
Mackenzie Gray
Christopher Lawford
Ronin Wong
Tseng Chang
Rick Tae
Scott Wickware
Alex Zahara
Marcy Goldberg
Joe Mantegna
A&E: This is your third go-round as Spenser. What is it like to be playing him once again?
Joe Mantegna: Well, it's great to be returning as Spenser, this being our third one. I think with each one, we learn something as a company. Though a lot of people are different, some are the same. You know, we have Marcia Gay Harden back again. It gives us more confidence, a little more ease. It certainly does for me, you know. I feel just more in control of the character with each successive film. More confidence and understanding in what I'm doing. I've always been a huge fan of the books, and I'd read all the books prior to doing even the first Spenser. Until you actually get up on your feet and try to portray the character, it's a little different. But, it's been great. We have a tremendous cast, especially this time. And again, a wonderful screenplay by Bob Parker. So, for me it just gets better and better as they go along.
A&E: What are some of the conceptual innovations this time around? There's a lot of action, some really interesting visual elements.
JM: Yeah. We've been able to play around with the script a bit. We've had the luxury of having Bob Parker here to work on it with him. And also, Po Chih Leong, our director, has come up with some nice concepts. We have these kinds of flash-backs and flash-forwards and fantasy moments within the piece. This particular one has this whole kind of psychological bend to it. There are moments when Spenser starts to see events transpire as they might transpire, or would happen, or could happen, or might happen, or shouldn't happen. It adds another whole level of tension. So, this one takes a little bit different tack from the others in some ways, as it should. Which gives it its own identity, and makes it an independent film unto itself.
A&E: It must be almost a unique artistic experience to be able to portray this character, who has been in so many books, with the author actually working right alongside you.
JM: We have the luxury of being able to have the novelist write the screenplay, so we know we have the dialogue and the story as true as possible to what made the book as good as it was. That was my whole attraction to this project, that Robert Parker would be involved. My feeling is: If you're going to do these books, let's do them with as much purity as possible, because they're very popular books. There's a reason they're popular. It's because of the dialogue he writes and the style that he writes.
But, on the other hand, if you're making a movie from a book, why not use the capabilities of the medium to its fullest extent? So, if there are ways to make some creative decisions in terms of the style and how it's done so it can have its own life, its own look, why not? That's why this is our third director as well, so each director can put his own particular stamp on the film, as Po Chih will do this film. This one has a whole kind of Asian theme, while the last one had a very Latin kind of theme. They've all been alike, yet different in their own way.
A&E: You are co-executive producer of this movie?
JM: Well, I've been producing more films of late. I've recently produced a film called Lake Boat that I directed, and I produced a film called Jerry and Tom, that actually went to Sundance a couple of years ago. I felt it was nice to get involved on a producing level now on the Spensers, perhaps to contribute some artistic input, in terms of trying to bring other people to the project, and have further involvement in terms of the whole process. I do love this series of films we're making very much, and so I have a passion for it. So, I figured, if I'm going to have a passion for it, I would like to contribute in any way possible.
Ernie Hudson has been a dear friend of mine, a person who I thought would be an ideal choice for a change in the Hawk character. Ernie is just phenomenal. It's like he was born to play the part. So, that's been one aspect of trying to turn a situation that was unfortunate--someone wasn't available to continue on. But, in this case, we certainly haven't missed a beat. And made things just as well as we've ever had.
A&E: Speaking of Hawk, what is your take on how their friendship came about? The origins seem to be pretty mysterious.
JM: Well, having read all the books, I have a little more insight into the whole background of all these characters. They go back a ways. There was a time when they were both boxing, and they got to know each other at that time. They've been through a lot together.
It's a very interesting kind of relationship, and one of the strengths of many of the Parker books. Of course, Hawk's not in every single one, but he's in a good cross section of them. It's two guys who share a lot in common, and yet are from different worlds. They are different people, and have different likes and dislikes and things, but yet are very into total step with each other on a lot of levels. So, it's not the first time they've hooked up.
Obviously, there have been millions of buddy pictures. It's not the first time you hook up two guys together. But, I think it's the unique kind of way that Parker has written these two characters, and the dialogue he gives them. Anyone who would watch these films (not that you have to watch them in any particular order) but as you watch each one, you would probably learn a little bit more information, and get a little better understanding of the relationship, as well as Spenser's relationship with people like Susan, and any of the other characters that tend to pop in and out of the films.
A&E: In the last two films, Spenser was pretty much on top of everything that was going on. This time, he is simply stymied at a couple of junctures. He just doesn't really have all the answers.
JM: Yeah. I think that the diversity that you'll find in the films and in the stories and in the screenplays are what makes Parker unique, and explains why he's such a popular writer. You can read all the books and enjoy them all on their own merit. You don't necessarily feel like, "Okay, it's the same old thing ... it's a rehash of this or that." Each one has its own particular story. And in this story, it may very well be that Spenser takes quite a bit longer to be able to put two and two together to reach four.
Every mystery you do kind of gets woven a different way. This one has its own life, and the story gets told in its own way. Hopefully, it's done in an entertaining way, and obviously different from either of the two prior ones.
A&E: So, what is the story? Just what has Spenser gotten himself into this time?
JM: Well, what we find is that Susan, innocently enough, invites me to the theater. And, perhaps also to solve a little problem that one member of the theater company is having. What ultimately happens, though, is we get murder in the theater, on stage. All of a sudden, it gets pretty dramatic, and Spenser gets totally immersed in not just theater, but the Asian triads, and dysfunctional actresses, and all kinds of things. It's a lot of fun. Hawk's involved in this one, and there's action, there's mystery, there's suspense, there's humor. It's all the good qualities that you find in any of the Parker books about Spenser. For me, because I enjoyed reading the novel, I enjoyed making the movie.
Quelle/Source: A & E
Marcia Gay Harden
A&E: How does it feel, returning for another Spenser film?
MARCIA GAY HARDEN: It's the first time I've ever been involved with a recurring piece, and this will be the third year, and the third story. In one sense, it is like returning home to family, without all the dysfunction of returning home to family, because, in this case, it's also a new crew. But the core people, are the same, the core person, which is Joe Mantegna. He's so fantastic. He helms this ship, and everybody who you talk to around here just admires his ease and professionalism so much.
And then there's, of course, Bob Parker, the writer, and Michael Brandman, our producer. Each time, we get to have a new director, so that there's a new style and a new vision that we're trying to fulfill--within the style of this genre, which is kind of a celebration of modern film noir. And, it's a lot of humor, and yet it's action. You take it seriously, but it's also a little tongue-in-cheek.
A&E: A key difference with this story is that it is Susan who brings Spenser into the mystery.
MGH: My character, Susan Silverman, is a psychotherapist, or a psychoanalyst. She's this very professional Boston woman, somewhat cultured. And her counterpoint is Spenser, Joe's character, who's a little rough around the edges, and is a PI, private investigator, and who sometimes has to kill people, and is involved in the darker side of life. I think that she's attracted to that, and is also possibly repelled by it a little bit. So, Bob Parker has written someone who's comfortable, or at least analyzes herself into "comfortability", with what Spenser does.
In Walking Shadow, she's culpable, because she has asked him to investigate something, as a favor to her, so that she would look good. She says at one point that she's ashamed and fearful. One of the things that I'm finding in this story, is how it is when you are responsible for something, that the guilt background just rises so much. I think that's something that Bob Parker is exploring. There's also some fear you haven't seen before in her, although, I think, it's a more internal journey that she's on in this particular story.
A&E: They have an interesting relationship. It is very clearly deep and emotional, in spite of the very obvious differences in lifestyle and personality.
MGH: Their relationship is always, in some way, reflective of the difference in their personalities. They have a really good-natured banter, even in the most trying situations. But, there is the difference in their worlds. I definitely think she's attracted to his world. She's attracted to his strength, that he uses the power that he exudes, in being able to very fairly and very logically deal with the evil elements in his world. She deals with those elements in an analytical way, and a therapeutic way, and her talking-in-the-office-kind of way. He deals with them in a much more visceral, and tangible way. And so, there is a communion of sorts in what they do, and yet, the way they going about it is completely different.
And then, like any good detective story, there is this strong physical attraction between the two of them. That's something that Bob Parker, the writer, always puts in there, this fun that they have with each other, the way that they flirt with each other. There is constant sexual innuendo in their language, and those are the things that he's always bringing forth. There's one story, that maybe we'll do at some point, that also goes into the difficulties that she has accepting his world. That's one of the stories where I believe she chooses to leave him. We've talked about doing that. It sort of goes a little bit deeper into them.
Quelle/Source: A & E
Ernie Hudson
A&E: You're stepping into the role of Hawk. What is Hawk's relationship with Spenser, and what part does he play in this story?
ERNIE HUDSON: I don't like to think of Hawk as Spenser's sidekick, but he's a friend. He's a good friend. Hawk sort of has his own world in his own right. I think he's something of a hit man, he takes these special assignments. Sort of a modern-day urban mercenary, who does things on the "down-low," so to speak. But, Spenser's a friend, and when Spenser's in trouble, he's there.
This is a case where there's been a murder. It's a very dangerous situation for Spenser, so Hawk comes in as backup, which he's done before. I also like to think that Spenser's done the same thing for him. And, he doesn't interfere with Spenser's method of operation. Comments from time to time. Sort of watches. The relationship between the two is very much what I like to think of as my relationship with Joe Mantegna, who plays Spenser. I think he really respects Spenser. They have a very similar sense of humor, so they kind of "get" each other. They mend from their own error. As I get older, I realize that we are products of our times, much more than we realize. And, so, these are two men who are from the same time. There's a certain kind of commitment, a certain kind of loyalty.
A&E: So, it's important for the strong bond between the two characters to be felt.
EH: Right. I see the relationship that Spenser and Hawk have as very similar to my relationship with Joe Mantegna. I've known him for 25 years. We did a movie together with Nick Nolte years ago called Weeds, and we did Airheads together a few years back. I really like Joe, and we share somewhat the same sense of humor. I think the characters Hawk and Spenser have that in common. There's a certain mutual respect.
Spenser has a stronger support system than Hawk. He has Susan, he has his friends, he has a very good relationship with the police, oddly enough, whereas I think Hawk's is much more adversarial. And, Spenser has a life that Hawk admires, but it's not his life, it's not quite how Hawk does things. But, I think he respects him. And, Joe and I are that way. You know, he's produced and he's directed, and he's done some other things that I have no desire to do. So, I respect that, but it's not my take--it's not how I do things.
A&E: Were you familiar with the Spenser novels before you did this film?
EH: No, actually, I wasn't. Years ago, they had Spenser: For Hire, with Avery Brooks, and I really liked Avery's interpretation of the character. Robert Urich and I worked together a couple of years ago, so I was somewhat familiar, though I hadn't read the books. And then, since this came up, I've read four of the books. I like Parker, and I like his writing. My interpretation is a little bit different than Avery's, obviously. I think everybody's sort of bringing their own thing to it. I see Hawk as having a little bit more of a sense of humor. I think through the books, that's so obvious. In fact, that's probably the most dominant thing.
A&E: In a recent interview you said that to play the role of the warden in Oz, you shine your shoes because that's what your character does.
EH: Yeah. I think sometimes there are certain things that can tie you into a character, and you sort of stumble on them. I found that when I would go to the set on "Oz," walk into this prison environment, when I dressed, it changed the chemistry a bit. It was the shining of the shoes that really brought things to the forefront. I'm not quite sure with Hawk.
There was something about shaving my head, which I hadn't done in a very long time. It's kind of an urban, hip thing, it's very contemporary. It's certainly not the way I normally see myself. That has made it more accessible. I don't know if there's any specific things that I do that, that say Hawk. I'm still kind of working on the character. I'm still looking, and trying to find where I end and he begins. I mean, with Oz, it took me, literally, three years to find the character. Some are easy to find, and some are a little bit difficult to nail down.
Quelle/Source: A & E
Eric Roberts
A&E: What attracted you to this particular project?
Eric Roberts: What attracted me was the fact that I was going to be working with fantastic actors like Joe Mantegna, Ernie Hudson, and Marcia Gay Harden. They're great actors. I wanted to know what they were like.
A&E: Describe your character, DeSpain? Who is he, how does he figure into the story?
ER: In this story, DeSpain is a chief of police. He is corrupt, like I think most chiefs are corrupt. He's kind of a stud. This DeSpain's a man who you never see coming. He looks like one thing, which is possibly dangerous. But then he acts very polite, so he comes across like he's a cool cat--only he's not. He's got huge vulnerabilities, like all of us. The biggest one being that he's still chasing the love of his life, and he never quite gets hold of her. He doesn't ever make it, completely. He and Spenser have a past that is not perfect, but they respect each other. And they like each other, in an odd way. You know? But, they of course have to go their separate ways.
A&E: You mentioned that Spenser and DeSpain have a past. How does that fact manifest itself here in Port Town, many years later?
ER: Every time there is a murder, when the chief is about to show up, Spenser's always there. So we have to always cross paths, even though we don't want to. Well, even though I don't want to. We respect each other, and we even like each other. But we're both a pain in each other's ass, simply.
A&E: What sort of a man is DeSpain?
ER: Well, what motivates DeSpain in this story is love. And the loss, thereof, of love. That's what motivates him. He's trying to get back to where he almost started. But he doesn't. He basically fools everyone.
A&E: Were you familiar with the Spenser novels?
ER: Not at all. In fact, I was offered this project, and then I bought the book. It's a hard story, hard characters, hard book, and it's got to really kick you. I just love reading it.
A&E: Describe working with Joe Mantegna.
ER: Well I've known Joe for almost 20 years, and Joe has always been a friend. I always admired his work, and always will, I imagine. You know, he's a great actor.
Die Schauspieler aus den Filmen: (The Actors from the Movies)
Joe Mantegna (Spenser)
Biographie (Biography)
(Quelle: wikipedia.org)
Joe Mantegna (* 13. November 1947 in Chicago, Illinois als Joseph Anthony Mantegna Jr.) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Synchronsprecher und Regisseur.
Leben und Leistungen
Mantegna entstammt einer italoamerikanischen Familie. Sein schauspielerisches Debüt hatte Mantegna im Jahr 1969 in dem Musical Hair. Seine erste Filmrolle erhielt er in dem Kurzfilm Medusa Challenger aus dem Jahr 1977, in dem es um zwei Blumenverkäufer am Lake Shore Drive in Chicago geht – seinen älteren Partner spielte Jack Wallace. Neben Don Ameche spielte Mantegna 1988 in der Komödie Things Change – Mehr Glück als Verstand von David Mamet eine der Hauptrollen und gewann dafür im gleichen Jahr die Coppa Volpi der Filmfestspiele von Venedig. Zuvor hatte er schon in dem Film Haus der Spiele von Mamet von 1987 als Trick-Betrüger auf sich aufmerksam gemacht. Für seine Hauptrolle in dem Thriller Homicide (1991), ebenfalls von David Mamet, wurde er im Jahr 1992 für den London Critics Circle Film Award nominiert.
1990 wirkte er im dritten Teil des „Paten“ von Francis Ford Coppola in der Rolle eines New Yorker Mafioso mit. In dem Thriller Body of Evidence (1993) trat er neben Madonna und Willem Dafoe auf, und in der Mini-Fernsehserie The Last Don nach Mario Puzo übernahm er an der Seite von Danny Aiello, Kirstie Alley und Daryl Hannah eine der größeren Rollen. Für diese Rolle wurde er 1997 für einen Emmy Award nominiert. Für seine Rolle in dem Filmdrama Frank, Dean und Sammy tun es (1998), in dem er u. a. neben Ray Liotta auftrat, wurde er 1999 für einen Golden Globe und einen Emmy Award nominiert. Im Jahr 2005 erhielt er für seine Rolle in dem Filmdrama Nine Lives (2005) eine Nominierung für den Gotham Award. In der Zeichentrickfilmserie „Die Simpsons“ leiht Mantegna der Figur „Fat Tony“ seine Stimme.
In der Serie „Criminal Minds“ tritt Mantegna mit der 5. Folge der dritten Staffel als neuer bzw. alter Chef der B.A.U. (Behavioral Analysis Unit) als Nachfolger von Jason Gideon (Mandy Patinkin) auf. Patinkin stieg im Juli 2007 wegen angeblicher „künstlerischer Differenzen“ aus der Serie aus.
Mantegna führte Regie beim Filmdrama Lakeboat (2000) nach einem Drehbuch von David Mamet. Für diese Arbeit erhielt er 2001 den Grand Prize des Savannah Film and Video Festivals. Im Jahr 1999 wurde Mantegna für sein Lebenswerk mit dem Chicago Film Critics Association Award und 2000 mit dem Santa Monica Film Festival Tribute Award ausgezeichnet.
Am 29. April 2011 wurde Mantegna auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame mit einem Stern in der Kategorie Theater ausgezeichnet.
Mantegna ist seit dem Jahr 1975 mit Arlene Vrhel verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder.
Zu seinen deutschen Synchronsprechern gehören u. a. Frank Glaubrecht, Dennis Brandau und Lutz Mackensy.
Filmografie (Auswahl)
Am 29. April 2011 wurde Mantegna auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame mit einem Stern in der Kategorie Theater ausgezeichnet.
Mantegna & Spenser
Mantegna selbst hat sich privat als großer Fan von "Spenser" und den Parker-Werken benannt. Mantegna sprach auch die meisten US Hörbücher zu "Spenser", die erschienen sind.
Mantegna filming Criminal Minds in 2010 |
Born |
Joseph Anthony Mantegna, Jr. November 13, 1947 Chicago, Illinois, United States |
Residence | North Hollywood, California |
Nationality | United States |
Education | J. Sterling Morton High School East |
Alma mater | Goodman School of Drama |
Occupation | Actor, director, screenwriter, executive producer |
Years active | 1969–present |
Home town | Cicero, Illinois |
Television |
The Simpsons, Criminal Minds |
Spouse(s) | Arlene Vrhel (1975–present) |
Children | 2 |
Parents |
Joseph Anthony Mantegna, Sr., Maryland (Novelli) Mantegna |
Joseph Anthony "Joe" Mantegna, Jr. (English pronunciation: /mænˈteɪnjɑː/,[1] Italian pronunciation: [manˈteɲɲa]; born November 13, 1947) is an American actor, producer, writer, director, and voice actor. He is best known for his roles in box office hits such as Three Amigos (1986), The Godfather Part III (1990), Forget Paris (1995), and Up Close & Personal (1996). He currently stars in the CBS television series Criminal Minds as FBI Special Agent David Rossi.
Mantegna has gained Emmy Award nominations for his roles in three different miniseries: The Last Don (1997), The Rat Pack (1999), and The Starter Wife (2007). He has also served as executive producer for various movies and television movies, including Corduroy (1984), Hoods (1998), and Lakeboat (2000) which he also directed.
For television, Mantegna has starred in the short lived series First Monday (2002) and Joan of Arcadia (2003–2005). Since the 1991 episode "Bart the Murderer," Mantegna has had a recurring role on the animated comedy series The Simpsons as mob boss Fat Tony, reprising the role in The Simpsons Movie (2007). Additionally, he played Robert B. Parker's fictional detective Spenser in three made-for-TV movies between 1999 and 2001.
Early life
An Italian American,[2] Mantegna was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1947 to Maryann (née Novelli), a shipping clerk, and Joseph Anthony Mantegna, Sr., who worked in insurance sales[3] and died in 1969 of tuberculosis.[4] Mantegna was raised Catholic[5] and attended J. Sterling Morton High School East in Cicero, Illinois.[4] He graduated with a degree in acting from the Goodman School of Drama at DePaul University in 1970.[6] While still a young man in Chicago, he played bass in a band called The Apocryphals[7] which later played with another local group The Missing Links, who went on to form the band Chicago. Mantegna is still very close to the original members of Chicago, and keeps in touch with his old band mates as well.[7]
Mantegna made his acting debut in the 1969 stage production of Hair and debuted on Broadway in Working (1978). He also helped write Bleacher Bums, an award-winning play which was first performed at Chicago's Organic Theater Company, and was a member of its original cast. He had a small role in the movie Xanadu which was cut, although since his name is in the film's credits Mantegna gets residuals for the film.[8]
Mantegna won a Tony award for his portrayal of Richard Roma in David Mamet's play Glengarry Glen Ross. He has had a long and successful association with Mamet, appearing in a number of his works.
Mantegna made his feature film debut in Medusa Challenger (1977). He played womanizing dentist Bruce Fleckstein in Compromising Positions (1985). Other early movies include co-starring roles in The Money Pit (1986), Weeds (1987), and Suspect (1987).
He also starred in the critically acclaimed movies House of Games (1987) and Things Change (1988), both written by Mamet. He and Things Change co-star Don Ameche received the Best Actor Award at the Venice Film Festival. In 1991 Mantegna starred in another Mamet story, the highly praised police thriller Homicide.
A highly versatile actor, Mantegna has played a wide range of roles, from the comic—as a fed up shock jock in Airheads and the hilariously inept kidnapper from Baby's Day Out—to the dramatic, in roles such as Joey Zasa, a treacherous mobster in The Godfather Part III and an Emmy-nominated performance as singer Dean Martin in HBO's 1998 film The Rat Pack.
Mantegna has a recurring role in the animated series The Simpsons as the voice of mob boss Anthony "Fat Tony" D'Amico. He insists on voicing the character every time he appears, no matter how little dialogue he has. To quote: "If Fat Tony sneezes, I want to be there." In one instance, however, Phil Hartman voiced Fat Tony in the episode "A Fish Called Selma."
Mantegna spoofed himself when he hosted Saturday Night Live for the 1990–1991 season in which he calmly began his monologue by saying he did not wish to be typecast from his gangster roles. A disappointed little boy and his father leave, as they mistakenly believed the host would be Joe Montana (football player) due to the similar names. Mantegna then began speaking in a low, controlled voice to the little boy, telling him it was best to stay in the audience and respect his performance; he warned the boy that if he (Mantegna) made a call, then Montana would not play in his next game—an implication that Mantegna's true personality equaled his gangster roles.
In 2002, Mantegna starred as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Justice Joseph Novelli, on the CBS midseason replacement drama First Monday.
Mantegna received the Lifetime Achievement Award on April 26, 2004, at the Los Angeles Italian Film Festival. On August 11, 2007, Mantegna signed on to replace departing star Mandy Patinkin on the CBS crime drama Criminal Minds.[9][10]
Since 2006, he has co-narrated the National Memorial Day Concert on the Mall in Washington, D.C. with Gary Sinise.[11]
Mantegna was the keynote commencement speaker at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in June 2008.
On April 29, 2011, Mantenga received the 2,438th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[12]
On June 6, 2011, Mantegna's hometown of Cicero, IL celebrated his body of work with an honorary street sign—Joe Mantegna Boulevard—on the northeast corner of Austin Blvd and 25th St., the location of his high school.
Personal life
Mantegna married Arlene Vrhel on December 3, 1975. Eleven years later their daughter Mia was born after an emergency C-section performed to save the child’s life. Mia was born three months after her umbilical cord became infected. At birth, she weighed one pound and 13 ounces, and spent her first few months in intensive care. A few years later, they noticed that her ability to speak was as limited as her attention span. After having her evaluated by a neurologist, they received the diagnosis.[13] Mia has autism.[14] She is high functioning and well aware of her condition. She also has a wealth of support in her family who ensure that she’s involved in the world as much as possible.[13] Her father’s career as an actor has played a part in her development, as well.[13] Two and a half years later,[13] they gave birth to Gia. Gia, an actress, appeared alongside her father in Criminal Minds as one of the victims in the Season 3 episode "3rd Life." Arlene owns a Chicago-themed restaurant in Burbank, California named Taste Chicago
On April 29, 2011 Mantegna was honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with an asterisk in the category Theatre.
Mantegna & Spenser
Mantegna himself has privately appointed as a big fan of "Spenser" and Parker's works. Mantegna also spoke most U.S. audiobooks on "Spenser" that have appeared.
Marcia Gay Harden (Dr. Susan Silverman)
Biographie (Biography)
Marcia Gay Harden (* 14. August 1959 in La Jolla, Kalifornien) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin.
Harden entstammt einer kinderreichen Familie. Sie studierte Theaterwissenschaften an der University of Texas at Austin und an der New York University (Tisch School of the Arts). Im Jahr 1993 spielte sie im Theaterstück Angels in America.
Seit ihrem Auftritt in Ethans und Joel Coens Mafia-Film Miller’s Crossing 1990 drehte sie bis zu ihrem Durchbruch zehn Jahre später mit Space Cowboys und Pollock neben Kino- auch Fernsehfilme. 2001 erhielt sie einen Oscar für Pollock, 2003 eine Oscar-Nominierung für Mystic River. Sie erhielt außerdem den Tony Award 2009 als beste Hauptdarstellerin in dem Theaterstück Der Gott des Gemetzels.
Harden ist mit dem Requisiteur Thaddaeus Scheel verheiratet und hat drei Kinder.
- 1990: Miller’s Crossing
- 1992: Die Herbstzeitlosen (Used People)
- 1994: Safe Passage
- 1995: Chicago Hope - Endstation Hoffnung
- 1996: Der Club der Teufelinnen
- 1996: Seitensprung in Manhattan (The Daytrippers)
- 1996: Die Geschichte vom Spitfire Grill (The Spitfire Grill)
- 1996: Agent 00 – Mit der Lizenz zum Totlachen (Spy Hard)
- 1997: Flubber
- 1998: Rendezvous mit Joe Black (Meet Joe Black)
- 1998: Desperate Measures
- 2000: Space Cowboys
- 2000: Pollock
- 2003: Mystic River
- 2003: Casa de los babys
- 2003: Mona Lisas Lächeln
- 2004: Willkommen in Mooseport (Welcome to Mooseport)
- 2004: P.S. – Liebe auf Anfang (P.S.)
- 2005: American Gun
- 2005: Die Bären sind los (Bad News Bears)
- 2006: American Dreamz – Alles nur Show (American Dreamz)
- 2006: The Hoax
- 2006: Aus tiefster Seele
- 2006: Dead Girl (The Dead Girl)
- 2006: Allein in der Nacht (In From The Night)
- 2007: Unsichtbar – Zwischen zwei Welten
- 2007: Into the Wild (Into the Wild)
- 2007: Rails & Ties
- 2007: Der Nebel (The Mist)
- 2008: Sex and Lies in Sin City
- 2009: Damages (Fernsehserie)
- 2009: Roller Girl (Whip It)
- 2009: Bruchreif
- 2010: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Fernsehserie)
- 2010: Royal Pains
- 2011: Smothered
- 2011: Detachment
- 2011: Innocent
- 1993: Theatre World Award (Angels in America: Millennium Approaches)
- 1996: National Board of Review Award für das Beste Ensemble (Der Club der Teufelinnen) zusammen mit den anderen Schauspielern
- 2000: New York Film Critics Circle Award als Beste Nebendarstellerin (Pollock)
- 2001: Oscar als Beste Nebendarstellerin (Pollock)
- 2003: Boston Society of Film Critics Award für das Beste Ensemble (Mystic River) zusammen mit den anderen Schauspielern
- 2003: Seattle Film Critics Award als Beste Nebendarstellerin (Mystic River)
- 2003: Western Heritage Award für den Fernseh-Spielfilm King of Texas
- 2004: Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award als Beste Nebendarstellerin (Mystic River)
- 2008: Saturn Award als Beste Nebendarstellerin (Der Nebel)
- 2009: Tony Award als Beste Hauptdarstellerin (Der Gott des Gemetzels)
Marcia Gay Harden (born August 14, 1959) is an Academy Award-winning American film and theatre actress.
Harden's breakthrough role was in Miller's Crossing (1990) and then The First Wives Club (1996) which was followed by several roles which gained her wider fame including the comedy Flubber (1997) and Meet Joe Black (1998). She received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Lee Krasner in Pollock (2000). She has starred in a string of successful mainstream and independent movies, such as Space Cowboys (2000), Into the Wild (2007), and The Mist (2007), for which she won the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress.
Harden's recent credits include Lasse Hallström's film The Hoax, opposite Richard Gere, and Hollywood Pictures' The Invisible, directed by David S Goyer. She was also recently seen in Lakeshore Entertainment's The Dead Girl, directed by Karen Moncrieff and starring Toni Colette, Kerry Washington, Mary Steenburgen, and Brittany Murphy. In 2009, Harden received a Tony Award for the Broadway play God of Carnage. She has also been nominated for an Emmy Award two times. [1]
Early life
Harden, one of five children, was born in La Jolla, California (near San Diego), the daughter of Texas natives Beverly (née Bushfield), a housewife, and Thad Harold Harden, who was an officer in the United States Navy.[2] One of Harden's siblings is named Thaddeus, as is her former husband. Harden's family frequently moved because of her father's job, living in Japan, Germany, Greece, California, and Maryland.[3] She graduated from Surrattsville High School in Clinton, Maryland in 1976, the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in theatre, and the Graduate Acting Program at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts with a Master of Fine Arts.[4]
Harden's first film role was in a 1979 student-produced movie at the University of Texas at Austin. Throughout the 1980s, she appeared in several television programs, including Simon & Simon, Kojak, and CBS Summer Playhouse. She appeared in the Coen brothers' Miller's Crossing (1990), a 1930s mobster drama in which she first gained wide exposure. In 1992, she played actress Ava Gardner alongside Philip Casnoff as Frank Sinatra in the made for TV miniseries Sinatra. Throughout the 1990s, she continued to appear in films and television. Notable film roles include The Imagemaker (1986), her first screen role, in which she played a stage manager; the Disney sci-fi comedy Flubber (1997), a popular hit in which she co-starred with Robin Williams; the supernatural drama Meet Joe Black (1998); Labor of Love (1998), a Lifetime Television movie in which she starred with David Marshall Grant; and Space Cowboys (2000), an all-star adventure-drama of aging astronauts.
In 1993, Harden debuted on Broadway in the role of Harper Pitt (and others) in Tony Kushner's Angels in America. The role earned her critical acclaim and she received a Tony Award nomination (Best Featured Actress in a Play). The winner in that category was Debra Monk in Redwood Curtain.
Harden was awarded the 2000 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of painter Lee Krasner in Pollock (2000). In 2003, she was again nominated in the same category for Mystic River.
Harden guest-starred as FBI undercover agent Dana Lewis posing as a white-supremacist in "Raw", an episode of the popular crime drama Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. In 2007, this role earned Harden her first Emmy Award nomination for best guest actress in a drama series. She reprised the role in the series' eighth season premiere and again in the twelfth season episode "Penetration" as a rape victim (aired Nov. 10, 2010).
In 2007, Harden appeared in several films, including Sean Penn's critically acclaimed Into the Wild, and Frank Darabont's The Mist (opposite Thomas Jane and Laurie Holden), based on the novella by Stephen King. Also in 2007 she shared joint top billing with Kevin Bacon in Rails & Ties, the directorial debut of Alison Eastwood.
In 2008, she appeared in Home playing a woman who has had a mastectomy. One central scene called for her to bare her breasts, with the missing breast "removed" using computer-generated imagery. In Home, her co-stars include her daughter, Eulala Scheel. Harden starred in the Christmas Cottage (2008), a story of the early artistic beginnings of the Painter of Light, Thomas Kinkade. In 2009, she appeared as a regular on the critically acclaimed FX series Damages as a shrewd corporate attorney, opposite Glenn Close and William Hurt. Harden also played in the comedy The Maiden Heist (2009) with Christopher Walken and Morgan Freeman. Harden received a 2009 Emmy Award nomination for her role in The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, a TV film also starring Oscar winner Anna Paquin. She was a Best Supporting Actress in a TV Movie/Miniseries nominee, and lost to Shohreh Aghdashloo. If she had won this Emmy, Marcia Gay Harden would have entered the elite group of 'triple-crown' actors; actors who have won the three acting awards of the highest honor: the Academy Award (film), the Tony Award (stage) and the Emmy Award (television). She has yet to win an Emmy.
In 2009, Harden co-starred with Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore in Whip It. The film was a critical success.[5] It was also in this year that Harden returned to Broadway in Yasmina Reza's God of Carnage. She starred with James Gandolfini, Hope Davis and Jeff Daniels. Each lead actor was nominated for the Tony Award and on June 8, Harden won Best Actress in a Play.[6]
Together, Harden's films have grossed $724,487,920 domestically and $1,128,784,661 worldwide.[7]
She currently has three films in development, Noah's Ark: The New Beginning (2012), The No Game (2010), and If I Were You (2011).[citation needed]
She joined the cast of Royal Pains in a multi-episode arc for season 2 starting June 3, 2010. She played Dr. Elizabeth Blair, a surgeon and a board member of Hamptons Heritage Hospital who is a "mentor-turned-adversary to Jill".[8]
Personal life
Harden married Thaddaeus Scheel, with whom she worked on The Spitfire Grill (1996), in 1996. Harden and Scheel have three children: a daughter, Eulala Grace Scheel (September 1998), and twins Julitta Dee Scheel and Hudson Scheel Harden (April 22, 2004).[9] In February 2012, Harden filed for divorce from Scheel.[10]
On December 14, 2003, her young nephew Sander Waring Harden and niece Audrey Gay Harden died with her former sister-in-law Rebecca Harden as a result of a tragic fire in their Queens, New York, apartment. Rebecca Harden was divorced from the children's father, Thaddeus Harden, who is Marcia Gay Harden's brother.[11]
On May 22, 2010, Harden delivered the 127th Spring Commencement Address at the University of Texas at Austin.[12]
Harden and her children reside in Harlem.
Shiek Mahmud Bey (Hawk in "Verdächtiges Schweigen" ("Small Vices"))
Shiek ist ein ehemaliger New York Golden Gloves Finalist, der
seinen Anfang in einem kleinen agierenden Unternehmen von seinem Boxtrainer, Adolph Caesar gegründet hatte. Er war dort, um sein Talent verfeinert; Eintritt in die National Black Theater of Harlem und der Improvisation Theatre
Company, wo er in Family Linen erschienen war und er sagt immer "Körper, Geist
und Seele und mein Afrika" .Shiek nahm den Vorschlag von Morgan Freeman an, Schauspieler zu werden und er beschloss, so viel von der Schauspielerei wie möglich zu lernen.
Er schrieb sich an der NYU - die Klassen in der Filmproduktion,
Kamera und Schreiben ein. Im August 2002, porträtiert Shiek Rubin "Hurricane" Carter in einem Stück, das er
mitentwickelt namens "The Way Out". Der New York
Times sagte, seine Beteiligung leider leider nur sechs Aufführungen an einem kleinen Lower East Side Theater als Teil
der New York International Fringe Festival, aber es wird in Erinnerung
bleiben." Die New York Daily News sagte, dass Shiek die "heftige Leistung wie der ehemalige Boxer von einem dreifachen Totschlags verurteilt einen langen Weg in
Richtung macht das Publikum vergessen, Denzel Washington geht". Shiek Arbeit brachte ihm einen Platz als
2002 New York International Fringe Festival Gewinner in der Kategorie
Performance. 1996-1998 wurde Shiek in der Mystery-Serie "Profiler" bekannt, wo er 2 Staffeln lang eine der Hauptrollen spielte.
Shiek Mahmud-Bey Filme / TV-Serien
Trügerische (2009)
Das Engagement (2009)
15 Minutes of Fame (2008)
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)
Buffalo Soldiers (2001)
Mercy Streets (2000)
Flawless (1999)
Spenser: Verdächtiges Schweigen (1999)
A Further Gesture (1997)
Der Feind IST unter uns - Bombenanschlag in
New York (1997)
White Lies (1997)
Nacht über Manhattan (1996)
Profiler (1996)
Kiss of Death (1995)
The Keeper (1995)
New York Undercover (1994)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Das Geheimnis des Ooze (1991)
Fegefeuer der Eitelkeiten (1990)
Shiek is a former New York Golden Gloves Finalist who got his start at a small acting company founded by his boxing trainer, Adolph Caesar. It was there that he honed his talent; joining the
National Black Theater of Harlem and the Improvisation Theatre Company, where he appeared in Family Linen, Mind, Body And Soul and My Africa - written by Shiek himself.At the suggestion of actor
Morgan Freeman, Shiek decided to learn as much of the business as possible. He enrolled at NYU - taking classes in film production, cinematography, and writing. In August 2002, Shiek portrayed
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter in a play he helped develop called 'The Way Out'. The New York Times said his "run, unfortunately, is a mere six performances at a small Lower East Side theater as part
of the New York International Fringe Festival, but it will be remembered". The New York Daily News said that Shiek's "fierce performance as the former boxer convicted of a triple homicide goes a
long way toward making audiences forget Denzel Washington". Shiek's work earned him a place as a 2002 New York International Fringe Festival Winner in the Performance category.
Shiek Mahmud-Bey Movies / TV-Shows
Deceptive (2009)
Engaging (2009)
15 Minutes of Fame (2008)
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood
Buffalo Soldiers (2001)
Mercy Streets (2000)
Flawless (1999)
Spenser: Small Vices (1999)
A Further Gesture (1997)
Der Feind ist unter uns - Bombenanschlag in New York (1997)
White Lies (1997)
Night Falls on Manhattan
Profiler (1996)
Kiss of Death (1995)
The Keeper (1995)
New York Undercover (1994)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)
The Bonfire of the Vanities
Ernie Hudson (Hawk in "Walking Shadow")
Earnest Lee „Ernie“ Hudson (* 17. Dezember 1945 in Benton Harbor, Michigan) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler.
Hudson wuchs in Benton Harbor in Michigan auf. Da er seinen Vater nie kennenlernte und seine Mutter nur zwei Monate nach seiner Geburt an Tuberkulose starb, wuchs er bei seiner Großmutter mütterlicherseits auf.[1] Nachdem er kurze Zeit im US Marine Corps diente, zog er nach Detroit, wo er am Concept East, dem ältesten US-amerikanischen Theater für Schwarze, spielte. Während seines Studiums an der Wayne State University vertiefte er seine schauspielerischen Fähigkeiten und konnte, nachdem er mit einem Bachelor of Arts graduierte, mit einem Stipendium an der Yale School of Drama studieren.[2]
Bald spielte er in dem Musical Daddy Goodness, wo er Gordon Parks traf, der ihm eine erste Filmrolle in Leadberry verschaffte. Danach begann Hudson an der University of Minnesota für eine Promotion zu studieren, bevor er wieder zur aktiven Schauspielerei zurückkehrte.
Am bekanntesten wurde er durch seine Rolle als Winston Zeddemore in den Filmen Ghostbusters – Die Geisterjäger (1984) und Ghostbusters II (1989). Allerdings verlor er diese Rolle bei einem Vorsprechen für die Zeichentrickserie The Real Ghostbusters an Arsenio Hall.[3] Noch heute wird er auf der Straße wegen seiner Rolle angesprochen und besucht seit Jahren immer wieder verkleidet als Ghostbuster mehrere Conventions.[4]
Nachdem Hudson sich für drei unterschiedliche Rollen als Polizist „San Bernardino County Polizei“ vorbereitete, wurde er ab 1989 Hilfssheriff und ab 1994 Sergeant bei der Special Service Bureau der Polizei.[5]
Hudson war von 1963 bis zu seiner Scheidung am 30. Dezember 1982 mit seiner ersten Ehefrau verheiratet, mit der er zwei Söhne hat, wovon einer der Schauspieler Ernie Hudson Jr. ist. Seit dem 25. Mai 1985 ist er in zweiter Ehe mit Linda Kingsberg verheiratet, mit der er ebenfalls zwei Söhne hat.[6]
Filmografie (Auswahl)
- 1976: Leadbelly
- 1977: Der Mann aus Atlantis (Man from Atlantis, Fernsehserie, 1 Episode)
- 1977: Mad Bull - Der Supercatcher (Mad Bull)
- 1979: Der unglaubliche Hulk (The Incredible Hulk, Fernsehserie, 1 Episode)
- 1979: Roots - Die nächsten Generationen (Roots: The Next Generations)
- 1981: Unsere kleine Farm (Little House on the Prairie, Fernsehserie, 1 Episode)
- 1982: Ein Duke kommt selten allein (The Dukes of Hazzard, Fernsehserie, 1 Episode)
- 1983: Auf die Bäume, ihr Affen (Going Berserk)
- 1983: Das A-Team (The A-Team, Fernsehserie, 1 Episode)
- 1983: Spacehunter - Jäger im All (Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone)
- 1983: Zwei vom gleichen Schlag (Two of a Kind)
- 1984: Chefarzt Dr. Westphall (St. Elsewhere, Fernsehserie, 6 Episoden)
- 1984: Ghostbusters – Die Geisterjäger (Ghostbusters)
- 1985: Der Mörder und die Lady (Love on the Run)
- 1986: Das durchgeknallte Polizei Revier (The Last Precinct, Fernsehserie, 8 Episoden)
- 1987: Der stählerne Vorhang (Weeds)
- 1987: Full House (Fernsehserie, 1 Episode)
- 1988: Das dreckige Dutzend - The Fatal Mission (The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission)
- 1989: Leviathan
- 1989: Ghostbusters II
- 1989: Detroit City – Ein irrer Job (Collision Course)
- 1990–1991: Das Psycho-Dezernat (Broken Badges, Fernsehserie, 7 Episoden)
- 1992: Die Hand an der Wiege (The Hand That Rocks the Cradle)
- 1994: Airheads
- 1994: Flucht aus Absolom (No Escape)
- 1994: Machen wir’s wie Cowboys (The Cowboy Way)
- 1994: Sprachlos (Speechless)
- 1994: Sugar Hill
- 1994: The Crow – Die Krähe (The Crow)
- 1995: Congo
- 1995: Jim Carroll – In den Straßen von New York (The Basketball Diaries)
- 1996: Die Rache des Kartells (For Which He Stands)
- 1996: Mörderischer Tausch (The Substitute)
- 1997: Operation Delta Force
- 1997: Mr. Magoo
- 1998: Kick Fire – Ohne jede Vorwarnung (Best of the Best: Without Warning)
- 1998: Tod eines Showgirls (Butter)
- 1999: Speed Train - Todesfahrt in die Hölle (Hijack)
- 2000: Der Tod fliegt mit (Nowhere to Land)
- 2000: Miss Undercover
- 2000: Späte Abrechnung (Red Letters)
- 2003–2004: 10-8: Officers on Duty (Fernsehserie, 15 Episoden)
- 2005: Miss Undercover 2
- 2005: Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Videospiel)
- 2006: Hood of Horror
- 2006–2007: Desperate Housewives (Fernsehserie, 7 Episoden)
- 2007: All Hat
- 2007–2008: Bones – Die Knochenjägerin (Bones, Fernsehserie, 2 Episoden)
- seit 2008: The Secret Life of the American Teenager
- 2009: Dragonball Evolution
- 2009: Heroes (Fernsehserie, 2 Episoden)
- 2009–2010: Law & Order (Fernsehserie, 7 Episoden)
- 2010: Smokin’ Aces 2: Assassins’ Ball
- seit 2010: Transformers: Prime
- 2011: Torchwood
- 2011: How I Met Your Mother (Fernsehserie, Staffel 7 - Episode 11)
Ernest Lee "Ernie" Hudson Sr. (born December 17, 1945) is an American actor known for his roles as Winston Zeddemore in the Ghostbusters film series, Sergeant Albrecht in The Crow, and Warden Leo Glynn on HBO's Oz. Recently, Hudson has had a small recurring role as Jay's friend Miles on the American comedy TV series Modern Family.
Early life
Hudson was born in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Hudson never knew his father. His mother, Maggie Donald,[1] died of tuberculosis when he was two months old. He was subsequently raised by his maternal grandmother, Arrana Donald.[2] He has a half-brother, Lewis Hudson.
After a short time in the U.S. Marine Corps, he moved to Detroit, Michigan. He became the resident playwright at Concept East, the oldest black theatre company in the US. He enrolled at Wayne State University to further develop his writing and acting skills. He established the Actors' Ensemble Theatre where he and other talented young black writers directed and appeared in their own works. Later, he enrolled and subsequently graduated from Yale School of Drama.[2]
In an interview with Belief.net, Hudson stated that he is a practicing Christian, but does not believe that "one church is the right one." [3]
One of Hudson's early films was in Penitentiary II in 1982 starring Leon Isaac Kennedy. He landed various guest roles on TV shows such as The Dukes of Hazzard and The A-Team. He was on the TV series Fantasy Island in a first season episode as a voodoo man named Jamu. Hudson gained fame playing Winston Zeddemore, who enlists with the Ghostbusters in the 1984 feature film Ghostbusters and its 1989 sequel. He auditioned to reprise the role for the animated series, The Real Ghostbusters, but he lost to Arsenio Hall). He had a major supporting role as the mentally challenged Solomon in The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.
Hudson was cast as Warden Leo Glynn on HBO's series Oz. On Oz, his son Ernie Hudson Jr. co-starred with him as Muslim inmate Hamid Khan. Hudson also appears as the character Munro in Congo and in the 1994 film The Crow as Police Sergeant Albrecht. He switched gears when he played a preacher opening the eyes of a small town prejudice in the 1950s in Stranger in the Kingdom. He is also known for his role as Harry McDonald, the FBI superior of Sandra Bullock's character in the feature film Miss Congeniality. He appears in the Stargate SG-1 TV episode "Ethon" as Pernaux. Hudson also appeared as Reggie in the film The Basketball Diaries. In 2008, he began a recurring role as Dr. Fields in The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Hudson also had a recurring role on the final season of Law & Order as Lt. Anita Van Buren's boyfriend and then fiancé.
He played Stuart Owens in Torchwood: Miracle Day.
Barbara Williams (Susan Silverman) - Reunion Movies
in den ersten beiden Reunions (In the both first Reunion Movies)
Barbara Williams (* 1953 auf bzw. bei Vancouver Island, British Columbia) ist eine kanadische Schauspielerin, Sängerin und Drehbuchautorin.
Barbara Williams wurde auf einem Schlepper geboren, der sich auf dem Weg nach Esperanza, einer abgelegenen Missionsstation im Nordwesten von Vancouver Island, befand. Ihre Eltern lebten zu jener Zeit im nahegelegenen Zeballos. Ihr Vater Jack war US-Amerikaner, ihre Mutter Simone Französin.
Ihr Vater starb, während Barbara ihre bisher einzige CD Forgiving Ocean aufnahm, die ihm gewidmet ist.
Ihren ersten Fernsehauftritt hatte sie in dem 1978 produzierten Fernsehfilm All's Well That Ends Well. Ihr erster in Deutschland auf Video erschienener Film war der 1981 produzierte Streifen Höllenhunde des Highways (Original: Firebird 2015 AD).
Außer in einer Reihe von Spiel- und Fernsehfilmen (siehe nachstehende Filmauswahl) wirkte sie auch in einigen Fernsehserien mit; so unter anderem in Der Equalizer (Folge: The Making of a Martyr, 1989), Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert (Folge: Indiskretionen, 1993), CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur (Folge: Ein schmutziges Spiel, 2002) und Bones – Die Knochenjägerin (Folge: Ein Verräter im Feuer, 2006). Zuletzt wirkte sie in drei Folgen der dritten Staffel der kanadischen Polizeiserie Rookie Blue mit (Messy Houses, Coming Home, I Never, alle 2012).
Barbara Williams ist verheiratet mit dem sozialpolitischen Aktivisten Tom Hayden, mit dem sie gemeinsam in Los Angeles lebt.
Filmografie (Auswahl)
- 1983: Ein zweiter Versuch (Tell Me That You Love Me)
- 1984: Nachts werden Träume wahr (Thief of Hearts)
- 1986: Jo Jo Dancer – Dein Leben ruft (Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life is Calling)
- 1988: Dirty Tiger (Tiger Warsaw)
- 1988: Watchers – Gnadenlos gejagt (Watchers)
- 1990: The Man Inside - Tödliche Nachrichten (The Man Inside)
- 1991: Stadt der Hoffnung (City of Hope)
- 1992: Schwarzer Tod (Quiet Killer)
- 1992: Der Duft des Todes (Indecency)
- 1992: Oh, What a Night
- 1993: Wie ein Vogel im Wind (Digger)
- 1994: Spenser – Das Drogenkartell (Spenser: Pale Kings and Princes)
- 1995: In den Fängen der Entführer (Kidnapped: In the Line of Duty)
- 1995: Eiskalte Wut (Family of Cops)
- 1997: Die Abbotts – Wenn Haß die Liebe tötet (Inventing the Abbotts)
- 1998: Jagabongo - Eine schrecklich nette Urwaldfamilie (Krippendorf's Tribe)
- 1998: Bone Daddy – Bis auf die Knochen (Bone Daddy)
- 1998: Naked City – Justice with a Bullet
- 1998: NY – Streets of Death (Naked City: A Killer Christmas)
- 2002: Perfect Pie
Barbara Williams (born 1953 in Vancouver or in
Iceland, British Columbia) is a Canadian actress, singer and screenwriter.
Barbara Williams was born
on a tugboat on the road to Esperanza, a remote mission station in the northwest of Vancouver Iceland, was. Her
parents lived at that time in the nearby Zeballos. Her father Jack was American, her mother Simone
Her father died during her Barbara previously recorded one CD
Forgiving Ocean, which is dedicated to him.
Her first television appearance was in the 1978 television movie
produced All's Well That Ends Well. Your first which appeared in Germany in the 1981
video was produced strips Hellcats of Highways (Original: Firebird 2015 AD).
Except in a number of feature and television films (see below movies) she also acted in several television series with, so among other things in The Equalizer (episode: The Making of a Martyr,
1989), Star Trek: The Next Generation (episode: indiscretions , 1993), CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (episode:
A dirty game, 2002) and Bones - The Bones (episode: A traitor in the Fire, 2006). Most recently, she appeared in three episodes
of the third season of Canadian cop show Rookie Blue with (Messy Houses, Coming Home, I Never, all 2012).
Barbara Williams is married to the
socio-political activist Tom Hayden, with whom she lives together in Los Angeles.
Wendy Crewson (Susan Silverman) - Reunion Movies
in den letzten beiden Reunions (In the last both Reunions)
Wendy Crewson (* 9. Mai 1956 in Hamilton, Ontario) ist eine kanadische Schauspielerin.
Leben und Leistungen
Crewson wuchs in Winnipeg auf. Sie absolvierte im Jahr 1977 Dramatik an der Queen’s University, wo sie für die Arbeit am örtlichen Theater den Lorne Greene Award gewann. Später studierte sie an der Londoner Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art.
Sie spielte seit dem Jahr 1980 einige Rollen in den Fernsehfilmen und Fernsehserien. Für ihre Rolle im Fernsehfilm Heirat in Buffalo (1990) wurde sie im Jahr 1992 für den Gemini Award nominiert, eine weitere Nominierung für diesen Preis erfolgte 1994 für ihre Rolle im Film Ich komme niemals in den Himmel (1992). Für ihren Auftritt in der Serie Ein Mountie in Chicago im Jahr 1997 gewann sie 1998 den Gemini Award.
Im Actionfilm Air Force One (1997) spielte sie die Rolle von Grace Marshall, der Ehefrau des US-Präsidenten James Marshall, den Harrison Ford spielte. Im Film At the End of the Day: The Sue Rodriguez Story (1998) spielte sie die Hauptrolle, für die sie 1999 den Gemini Award gewann. Für ihre Hauptrolle im Fernsehthriller A Killing Spring (2002) erfolgte eine weitere Nominierung für den Gemini Award. Diesen Preis gewann sie 2003 für ihre Rolle im Fernsehfilm The Many Trials of One Jane Doe (2002).
Im Jahr 2003 trat sie in einigen Folgen der Fernsehserie 24 auf. Für die Hauptrolle im Fernsehdrama Sex Traffic (2004) wurde sie 2005 für den Gemini Award nominiert.
Crewson ist seit dem Jahr 1988 mit dem Schauspieler Michael Murphy verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder.
Filmografie (Auswahl)
- 1980: War Brides (Fernsehfilm)
- 1980: Home Fires (Fernsehserie)
- 1982: Labyrinth der Monster (Mazes and Monsters)
- 1983: Blood Puzzle (Skullduggery)
- 1985: Mark of Cain
- 1990: Heirat in Buffalo (Getting Married in Buffalo Jump)
- 1992: Ich komme niemals in den Himmel (I’ll Never Get to Heaven)
- 1993: Das zweite Gesicht (The Good Son)
- 1994: Santa Clause – Eine schöne Bescherung (The Santa Clause)
- 1994: Corrina, Corrina
- 1995: Ebbie or Miracle at Christmas: Ebbie’s Story
- 1997: Air Force One
- 1998: At the End of the Day: The Sue Rodriguez Story
- 1998: Der achtzehnte Engel (The Eighteenth Angel)
- 1999: Better Than Chocolate
- 1999: Der 200 Jahre Mann (Bicentennial Man)
- 1999: Im Zweifel für die Angeklagten (Question of Privilege)
- 1999: Das Ende des Sommers (Summer’s End, Fernsehfilm)
- 2000: Mercy – Die dunkle Seite der Lust (Mercy)
- 2000: Schatten der Wahrheit (What Lies Beneath)
- 2000: The 6th Day
- 2002: The Many Trials of One Jane Doe
- 2002: A Killing Spring
- 2002: Santa Clause 2 – Eine noch schönere Bescherung (The Santa Clause 2)
- 2003: Un unexpected love
- 2004: Sex Traffic
- 2004: Anatomie einer Entführung (The Clearing)
- 2005: Jagd nach Gerechtigkeit (Hunt for Justice)
- 2006: Der Pakt (The Covenant)
- 2006: Santa Clause 3 – Eine frostige Bescherung (The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause)
- 2006: Antarctica – Gefangen im Eis (Eight Below)
- 2006: Away From Her
- 2006: The Path to 9/11 – Wege des Terrors
- 2007: Wintersonnenwende – Die Jagd nach den sechs Zeichen des Lichts (The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising)
- 2009: Formosa Betrayed
- 2010: A Beginner’s Guide to Endings
- 2012: Für immer Liebe (The Vow)
Wendy Jane Crewson (born May 9, 1956) is a Canadian actress and producer.
Crewson appeared in many Canadian TV shows in 1980's, and moved to a number big feature films in the early 1990s,[1] like Night Heat, Hard Copy, Tanner '88 and Street Legal.
In 1991, Crewson appeared in her first breakthrough role in the feature film The Doctor and in later years appeared in films, such as The Good Son (1993) as Macaulay Culkin's mother, The Santa Clause (1994) and its two sequels The Santa Clause 2 (2002) and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) as Tim Allen's ex-wife, To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (1996) as Peter Gallagher's unfortunate blind date, and Air Force One (1997) as Harrison Ford's First Lady Grace Marshall.[2]
Crewson starred in the science fiction films Bicentennial Man (1999) with Robin Williams, and The 6th Day (2000) opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger.[2] She has also performed in numerous other roles.
On television, Crewson starred of the Canadian series ReGenesis as Dr. Rachel Woods from 2007 to 2008, and on Saving Hope as Dr. Dana Kinny in 2012. She also guest starred in the first eight episodes of the third season of 24, playing Dr. Anne Packard, personal physician and love interest to the President. She also appears in the second season of the ABC's primetime soap opera Revenge from 2012 to 2013.[3]
Personal life
Crewson was born in Hamilton, Ontario, the daughter of June Doreen (née Thomas) and Robert Binnie Crewson.[4] She attended Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, where she won the prestigious Lorne Greene Award for outstanding work in the theater. She then studied at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London.[1] She was married to actor Michael Murphy in 1988 and they have two children. They divorced in January 2009.
Year | Title | Role |
1982 | Mazes and Monsters | Kate Finch |
1983 | Skullduggery | Barbara Sluszarczyk/Dorigen |
1984 | Heartsounds | Judy |
1984 | The Guardian (HBO Movie) | Marlee Kramer |
1985 | Mark of Cain | Dale |
1987 | A Hobo's Christmas | Laurie |
1990 | Getting Married in Buffalo Jump | Sophie Ware |
1991 | The Doctor | Dr. Leslie Abbott |
1992 | Folks! | Audrey Aldrich |
1993 | The Good Son | Susan Evans |
1994 | The Santa Clause | Laura Miller |
1994 | Corrina, Corrina | Jenny Davis |
1995 | Ebbie | Roberta Cratchet |
1996 | To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday | Kevin Dollof |
1997 | Air Force One | First Lady Grace Marshall |
1997 | Gang Related | Helen Eden |
1998 | At the End of the Day: The Sue Rodriguez Story | Sue Rodriguez |
1998 | Sleeping Dogs Lie | Theresa Small |
1998 | Escape Velocity | Billie |
1999 | Better Than Chocolate | Lila |
1999 | Bicentennial Man | 'Ma´am' Martin |
1999 | Summer's End | Virginia Baldwin |
2000 | Mercy | Bernadine Mello |
2000 | What Lies Beneath | Elena |
2000 | The 6th Day | Natalie Gibson |
2001 | Suddenly Naked | Jackie York |
2001 | Deadly Appearances | Joanne Kilbourn |
2002 | Perfect Pie | Adult Patsy |
2002 | An Unexpected Love | McNally "Mac" Hays |
2002 | The Santa Clause 2 | Laura Miller |
2002 | Verdict in Blood | Joanne Kilbourn |
2003 | The Piano Man's Daughter | Ede Kilworth |
2003 | Twelve Mile Road | Dr. Angela Landis |
2004 | The Clearing | Louise Miller |
2004 | Pigeon | Woman in Train |
2005 | Niagara Motel | Lily |
2005 | Hunt for Justice | Louise Arbour |
2006 | Eight Below | Eve McClaren |
2006 | Who Loves the Sun | Mary Bloom |
2006 | The Covenant | Evelyn Danvers |
2006 | Away from Her | Madeleine |
2006 | The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause | Laura Miller |
2007 | The Seeker: The Dark is Rising | Mary Stanton |
2009 | Formosa Betrayed | Susan Kane |
2011 | Winnie | Mary Botha |
2012 | The Vow | Dr. Fishman |
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
1987 | Hard Copy | Blake Calisher | 7 episodes |
1988 | Tanner '88 | Joanna Buckley | 8 episodes |
2003 | 24 | Dr. Anne Packard | 8 episodes |
2007-2008 | ReGenesis | Rachel Woods | 24 episodes |
2011 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation | Judy Robbins | Episode: "Genetic Disorder" |
2012 | Alcatraz | Helen Campbell | Episode: "Sonny Burnett" |
2012 | Saving Hope | Dr. Dana Kinney | 10 episodes |
2012-2013 | Revenge | Helen Crowley | 8 episodes |
2013 | Jack | Anne McGrath | TV film |
Awards and nominations
- 1992 — Gemini Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for Getting Married in Buffalo Jump (Nominated)
- 1994 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for I'll Never Get to Heaven (Nominated)
- 1998 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Guest Role in a Dramatic Series for Due South
- 1999 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for At the End of the Day: The Sue Rodriguez Story
- 2002 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for A Killing Spring (Nominated)
- 2002 — Humanitarian Award
- 2003 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for The Many Trials of One Jane Doe
- 2005 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for Sex Traffic (Nominated)
- 2006 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for The Man Who Lost Himself
- 2007 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series for The Robber Bride (Nominated)
- 2007 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series for ReGenesis
- 2008 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series for ReGenesis (Nominated)
- 2010 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series for The Summit (Nominated)
- 2013 — Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series for Saving Hope
- 2007 - ACTRA Toronto Award of Excellence