Meine Autogrammkartensammlung aus "Spenser"

My Autograph Collection to "Spenser: for Hire"

Hier stelle ich euch meine Sammlung an Autogrammkarten rund um den Cast der Serie vor. Alle Autogramme sind handsigniert und absolut original. Ich habe sie selbst vom Star bekommen oder von einem angesehenen Händler des UACC aus den USA gekauft. Alle hier abgebildeten Autogramme haben eine Größe von 8x10 inch (entspricht in etwa knapp 20x30 cm. Kleiner sind nur Ron McLarty (ca. 13x 18 cm) und das dritte von Barbara Stock (9x14 cm)


Here I present you my collection of autographs from around the cast of the show. All autographs are hand signed and totally original. I got it by the star himself or from a reputable dealer of the UACC purchased from the United States. All shown autographs have a size of 8x10 inches (equivalent to approximately just under 20x30 cm. Small, only Ron McLarty (approx. 13x 18 cm) and the third floor of Barbara (9x14 cm)



Von links / from left:

Robert Urich as Spenser (5x), Avery Brooks as Hawk (6x), Barbara Stock as Susan Silverman (3x), Carolyn McCormick as Rita Fiore (2x), Ron McLarty as Sgt. Frank Belson, Richard Jaeckel as Lt. Martin Quirk (2x), Shirley Knight as Katie Quirk, Raymond Serra as Joe Broz, Angela Bassett as Bailey Webster (from the Spin off "A Man called Hawk")

For the full size of the Autographs simply click on the desired image.


Zur vollen Größe des Autogrammes einfach nur auf das gewünschte Bild klicken.



Diese Motivreihe habe ich selbstkreiert, Mischungen aus eigens erstellten Screenshots und ggf. Promobildern, die Signaturen sind allesamt absolut original.



I've created this series of motifs myself, mixtures of specially created screenshots and possibly promo images, that signatures are all totally original.


from left:
Robert Urich as Spenser, Avery Brooks as Hawk, Barbara Stock as Susan Silverman, Carolyn McCormick as Rita Fiore, Ron McLarty as Sgt. Frank Belson, Richard Jaeckel as Lt. Martin Quirk, Shirley Knight as Katie Quirk, William H. Macy as Efrem Connors, Kate Burton as Randy Lofficier, Barbara Williams as Susan Silverman (Reunions 1 & 2), Wendy Crewson (Reunions 3 & 4),  Joe Mantegna as Spenser (Later Movies), Marcia Gay Harden as Susan Silverman (Later Movies), Laila Robins as Rita Fiore (Later Movies), Ernie Hudson (Hawk from the later movie "Walking Shadow"),


Hier präsentiere ich euch die deutschen synchronsprecher zur Serie, die ich bislang besitze.

Here I present you the german dubbing speakers to the series, which I have so far.


01. Heike Schroetter (Barbara Stock ; Susan Silverman in Season 3)

02. Detlef Bierstedt (Richard Jaeckel ; Lt. Martin Quirk)