Ostern bei Spenser
Ostern und Spenser sind 2 Dinge die nicht zusammen passen. In der Serie gibt es nicht eine Folge die um die Osterzeit spielt und auch in den Romanen gibt es nur spärliche Infos darüber.
Es ist nicht mal bekannt ob Spenser, Susan, Hawk und co. überhaupt Ostern feiern. Im Roman "Widow's Walk" weiß Spenser offenbar nichts über Ostern und den Osterhasen, wie hier in diesem Dialog zu lesen:
Rita said, "What about the Easter bunny?"
Spenser: I don't understand what she meant.
Einige Kapitel später in Widow's Walk wird der Osterhase nochmal erwähnt, dieses Mal von Spenser.
In "Double Deuce" frägt ihn Hawk das gleiche:
"How you feel 'bout the Easter bunny?" Hawk said.
(Spenser) What does asking about the Easter bunny imply?
Er weiß also nicht das es bedeuten soll, wenn man ihn über den Osterhasen frägt.
Easter and Spenser are two things that do not fit together. In the series there is not an episode that plays around Easter and in the books, there is only sparse information about it.
It is not known whether Spenser, Susan, Hawk or other charakters celebrate Easter at all. In "Widow's Walk" Spenser obviously knows nothing about Easter and the Easter Bunny. Here you can read a dialogue:
Rita said, "What about the Easter bunny?"
Spenser: I do not understand what she meant.
A few chapters later in "Widow's Walk" the Easter Bunny is mentioned again, this time by Spenser.
In "Double Deuce", Hawk asks him the same:
"How you feel 'bout the Easter bunny?" Hawk said.
(Spenser) What does asking about the Easter bunny imply?
So he doesn't know what it meant, when you asks him about the Easter Bunny.